Friday 4 November 2011


In what ways does your college magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My magazine uses typical conventions which are used when making actual magazines available to the public. I used the left third of my magazine to include information of what would be inside of the magazine such as "exclusive interview with the principal". I also included other typical magazine features such as masterhead title piece, date & issue number, teaser (cover line), main feature headline, subtitle, smaller feature, images, font,colour schemes, graphics, offers, splash/flash, kicker, anchorage, screamers and relevant vocabulary. As anchorage I used words such as 'exclusive'and 'free' to lure the readers to the magazine. I used screamers to make the text stand out more and seem more exciting then it really is, I used teasers such as "insiders guide" to attract the readers it is a teaser because it gives a sight bit of knowledge of what is included in the inside of the magazine.
 I got my model to stand facing the camera so she was making eye contact with the audience and so it feels more personal, also I used medium close-up as this is the traditional shot for the main picture of a magazine. I made sure that the model was smiling so it shows that Wyke has a positive atmosphere and is a happy place to learn. I stood my model in the location of Wyke college as this is the institution in which my magazine represents. I stood her on the stirs with Wyke in the background to show what the surrounding building is like. Also, the backdrop of the image used is white which made it easier to insert text when creating my magazine.

How does your college magazine represent particular social groups- students and/or teachers?

My magazine represents the students of Wyke Sixth form College. To do this I used a student who goes to Wyke as my main image and who is also the same age as most of the students of Wyke, this is so the students who would read my magazine can relate to the girl on the front. I also, represented the student of Wyke through the smaller headings on the front of the magazine for example 'enrichment courses' are for students and they also pick which one they wish to take part in. Also, the mention of the Wyke parties through the student association gives a clear indication that the magazine represents the students as the teachers wouldn't be interested or take part in the majority of these things.

Who would be the audience for your college magazine?

The audience of my magazine would be the students of Wyke. This is shown in the way I have used a student from Wyke on the front of my magazine. However, when asking people if they would read my magazine there was a more positive response from the female students then the male ones. I think this is because the font colours are quite 'girly' colours so they can relate to it more then the boys can. Also, I used all girls in the pictures on the magazine so it instantly appeals more to girls because they can relate to them better. Also, the audience of my magazine could be the more academic students of Wyke this is because I have included information about enrichment courses and about the new principal so they may be more interest in the students who are interested in these types of things.

How did you attract your audience?

To attract the readers of my magazine I made sure I used bright colours so the text would stand out, I also included some words that were in upper case such as 'NEW' so it would stand out more against the rest of the text. Also, I included the word 'exclusive' so the audience know that it is new information and also unlikely  to be anywhere else making the audience want to read it more. I used students from Wyke in my pictures so other students who recognise them may possibly pick up a copy because they want to know why they are on the front. I also used locations in my pictures which other students may recognise so may want to read a copy to find out what is going on. I used words such as 'you' and 'your' to make the magazine more personal to the reader almost like it's directed at the person looking at the cover, this may have an impact on the readers decision because it makes them wonder about there future such as the question 'Which Uni Suits You?'.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this college magazine?

From carrying out this task I have learnt how to use layers on Photoshop. It allows you to see certain things which are included on your magazine with or without other parts. You can also merge photos, text and other items together on your front cover. You can also change the font, text size and colour when using Photoshop. The use of a digital camera enabled me to transfer photos form my camera to the computer easily and give me good quality photos. The use of blogger allowed me to keep all of my work safe and easy to access at home and at college. I also allowed me to upload my prezi easily and made it easy for people to look at and use. Prezi also enabled me to create a digital draft of all my research which made it easier to come up with ideas for my college magazine because you can see all your previous work.

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