Friday 18 November 2011

My Audience

My magazine is aimed at those who are interested in pop music and new up coming artists. The magazine is aimed mostly at girls as it is easier for me to relate to young girls who enjoy this genre of music as this is the genre I enjoy also. The age range of my music magazine ranges from 13 to 17 as I believe this is that age range in which young people start to get interested in music. It is also the age I believe that people decide what there going to be like as a person such as what crowd they are going to be in and what clothes they are going to wear and what colour hair they are going to have. This is relevant to the magazine I wish to create because it's all about fresh new pop music who have different styles and crate their own crowd instead of following the others. By making it colourful and exciting I think the magazine will appeal to this type of audience.

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