Friday 11 November 2011

LIIAR Analysis

L - The masthead is in front of the artists so it is the first thing you see, also the fact that the font is on a red background makes it stand out more. The font type is 'blocky' and very professional so it makes the magazine look neat and tidy. Un-like conventional magazines which usually have a left third, this magazine doesn't it has put it's smaller features on the right side this makes it look different to other magazines on sale. The main colours on this magazine are red, black, white and gray these colours go together and all stand out against each other. The gray skyline stands out next to the red as one is bright while the other is dark but bold. The main picture is a medium close-up studio photograph of the cover star looking directly at the camera.
I - The publishers of Spin magazine are Spin Media LLC. They are an American company which owns and operates Spin, a monthly magazine devoted to covering new rock music through interviews, reporting, and photography. Spin magazine was first published by Bob Guccione in 1985. Guccione then sold the magazine to Miller Publishing in 1997. In 2006 Miller Publishing then sold the magazine to San Francisco based company called the McEvoy group LLC, this company then fromed Spin Media LLC as a holding company.
I -  Spin magazine includes adverts in there magazine which advertises items that are seen to be rebellious by society, such as cigarettes, alcohol, cars, the latest music technology, and latest tour dates. This suggests that the magazine aims to not be mainstream by appealing to those that rebel against the norm. The magazine includes many pictures with in the magazine that include festivals, concerts, and people drinking and smoking. By including picture that show these kinds of things and adverts it suggests that the magazine aims to appeal to those who have a strong night life, and also those who have a high disposable income to spend on these kinds of things. When looking through the magazine I found several political articles or pictures which show protests. This suggests that they agree with the protests shown in the magazines and are sharing their view with the readers. The magazine shows people swearing and includes swear words, this goes against social norms and what is normally included in music magazines. They include lengthy articles which suggest they are aimed more at adults.
A -  Spin is a magazine for individuals interested in young adult culture and its bold new music scene. The median age of the reader is 31 and the majority of the readers are male with 68%, while the remaining 38% are female. Although the median age is 31 34.47% of readers are aged 25-34 and 26.95% are aged 18 - 24. Also, 52% of the readers live in urban areas and attend rock concerts monthly.  
R - The representation of this magazine shows that Florence and The Machine is a serious artist and is passionate about her music. This is shown through the way she has a serious face and is looking directly at the camera. Also the fact she is the only person on the front of the magazine shows that she is important and doesn't need anyone to be in the background with her as she stands out on her own. The main item on the front of this magazine is Florence and The Machine, she is portrayed quite seriously as she isn't smiling and is facing the camera directly, and is wearing the quite formal clothing which matches the colour of the other text on the magazine. Also the skyline of the magazine includes the word 'BEST' which suggest that they only include the best of the best in there magazine. Florence on the front cover of Spin is covered up and not showing much skin this puts the message out to the readers and fans of Florence and the machine that she is more interested and wants to be known for that, instead of her body and assets that she may have. Also, the fact she has a un-usual coloured hair and a colour which a lot of people get grief for shows that you can be a 'star' even if you have red hair, and also it shows that she isn't bothered about as it is styled big and she hasn't tried to cover it up by wearing a hat.

L - The majority of the magazine is black and white apart from the 'free CD' and 'exclusive interview' attract the readers to the magazine as they stand out against the rest of the magazine. These are tease devices designed to entice the reader. Also the main image is of Paul McCartney who is placed in front of the masthead so it suggests that he is more important then the magazine name. The smaller picture at the top of the magazine next to the skyline is in colour, this stands out more against the black and white also. This suggest that although the picture is smaller it is of equal importance. The main image is a medium close-up and a professional shot with the cover star looking straight at the camera.
I - The institution of Mojo magazine is Bauer Media. It is a division of the Bauer Media Group, Europe’s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Group is a worldwide media empire offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as on line, TV and radio stations. The large German company is based in Hamburg,Since the company was founded in 1875 it has been privately owned and managed by the Bauer family. The company was formally called Heinrich Bauer Verlag KG (HBV). Bauer Media also publish music magazines such as Pop, KerrangKerrang TV, Magic TV, SmashHIts, Kiss, 4Music and Q TV.
I - Mojo focus' on a genre of music and the magazine is a representation of it. It focus' on the love for classic rock and the artists/bands involved. Mojo targets it's mature audience by concentrating on classic rock e.g Paul Mcartney, Bowie, Guns and Roses etc. The ideology of Mojo is showing that rock music also has a value due to the amount of classic rock artists.It focus' on having more articles in then it does reviews of concerts and festivals like Kerrang does. Mojo would feature more older and wiser bands/artists. Mojo magazine portrays the idea that classic rock music is just as new as the modern day music that is being released. They celebrate quality over popularity.
A - The audience for this magazine is mostly male with 77% of reader being so, the median age of these readers is 37. These heavy consumers of music see their passion as discovery without boundaries, genre and decade being secondary to quality. Mojo is the brand for those totally obsessed with music
R - Paul McCartney in this picture is represented as coming back from the dead. This is linked to the main feature headline as it says 'The resurrection of McCartney.' This can be linked to a upcoming tour or a come back into the music industry, Paul McCartney looks like he has just woken up and  his facial expressions reflects this. His hair and clothes are simple and blend in with the background.

L - The main image of this magazine is of Joris Voorn who has been edited to be all the same colour which would look very plain if it wasn't for the pop art affect out lining him. This affect makes him stand out more against the plain background. He is also in front of the masthead title (MixMag) which makes him the most important thing on the front of the magazine. Also the yellow high lighting of the main feature title and the extra bit makes them stand out to the reader more then smaller features surrounding the edge of the magazine. The font used for the masthead is modern. The main picture is a medium close-up with he artist looking straight at the camera.
I - The publishers of Mixmag magazine are Development Hell. They currently publish two monthly magazines, The World and MixMag, and their accompanying websites MixMag started at DMC publishing where it eventually reached 70,000 copies during the height of club music. The magazine was then sold to EMAP Ltd. in the mid 90's and was then brought by Development Hell in 2005. Development Hell then relaunched MixMag in 2006 with a brand new style
I -MixMag aims to portray the young persons night life. The magazine includes adverts for the latest mobile phones, Ipods and music gear. The magazine expresses the clubbing life style, by including pictures of young 'pretty' people in night clubs. It is in away a young persons stereotypical life style. However, they stick to the norm by not advertising alcohol and cigarette brands. The magazine includes artists that are only known to those who are on the clubbing scene regularly, and are true 'hardcore' fans. MixMag advertise festivals, concerts, holidays to party cities such as Ibiza, Vegas, and Amsterdam, this suggests they aim to reach out to the readers that have a high disposable income as the trip cost a lot of money, and also reach out to the major fans of Dubstep music.
A- MixMag readers are the opinion formers and leaders in clubbing. They are the ones who make the happening music happen and the cool products cool within their peer groups. Their the first to recommend new tunes and first on a new fashion trend. Their at the new club early and leave before it gets cold. The readers range from young budding bedroom DJ's to accomplished producers. They are best informed about top DJ's and upcoming tunes, and they have to have the latest mobile. Their the biggest downloaders of music in the UK. The median age of the readers is 24 and 72% are male leaving 28% females. They also tend to live in urban areas and are single. They have a high disposable income and high propensity to spend it on nights out, clothes, tunes and the latest technology. 80%of all readers do not read other music magazines and spend little time watching TV especially on the weekend.  
R-  This magazine represents Joris Voorn he is shown in this picture as a laid back sort of guy, his stance is relaxed and almost like he is stretching in the morning. The clothes he is wearing  are the sort of clothes a young boy interested in his type of music would wear so he is almost saying he is just like everyone else, just ordinary. His facial expression is quite serious which suggests that he is serious about his work, he is also looking right at the camera which suggests that he is confident and wants to engage with the audience.

This contents page is taken from Q magazine. It has similar features as a magazine front cover such as the left third which shows what is included in the magazine. The page numbers can be clearly seen in red this makes them stand out more an easier to find for the reader, the colour red also matches 'Q' of the magazine which can be seen in the top left corner. This is the same place that the masthead can be found on the front cover, it is just made smaller for the contents page as it is the least important thing on the contents page as the reader already knows what they are reading. Apart from the word 'CONTENTS' at the top the nest thing that stands out to the read is the 'FEATURES' and 'EVERY MONTH' this is so the read knows what is special to this copy and what is normally included this may include things such as in this case the 'TEN COMMANDMENTS'. This can also have a hidden meaning and may suggest that Q magazine has religious values to do with the ten commandments and Christianity. The main picture is of a band this suggest that they are the main feature in this magazine and it also suggests that they are the cover artist also. The band look relaxed and casual this suggests this is how they are as people. Also the clothes they are wearing are casual and make them look like regular people. The man stood slightly in front of the other three men suggests to the readers that he is the main singer or artist, also his sun glasses make him look like he has authority. The main picture has a completely different feel then the second smaller picture underneath. The second picture looks a lot more sophisticated then the first, also the picture is brighter and the pillar suggests the picture could of been taken at a stately home of somewhere of importance. Unlike the first which is taken in a field with a darker background, this could be representation of the type of music each artist produce, for example the band may produce more indie alternative music and the single artist looks like he may produce music that is still alternative but has a more pop feel to it. This can also be reflected in the clothes the second artist is wearing they look more sophisticated and more formal yet still odd. The contents page uses the well known Q colours; white, red and black, it also uses the same font that is used on the front cove; sans-serif.

This double page spread is of Florence and the machine. The main artist takes up the full left hand side of the page this makes her stand out to the reader, the picture is also a long shot so the audience can see her full body. The picture also continues on to be the background of the right side the double page behind the writing. The large writing behind the artist head makes that less important as it's behind her, if the writing was across her face it would look like the writing is more important. Also the large 'USA' text behind her head tells the audience straight away who the article is aimed at or perhaps what the article is about obviously it's about the USA or aimed at the American readers. To reflect the large title of the feature they have used an American flag in the picture. The article on the right hand side is written in columns in black writing on a grey background this makes it easy to read. There is also a small introduction to tell the audience what the article is about. This could also be a teaser to draw the reader to the article and to make them want to read more. The main feature title 'got the love' in in smaller fancier writing then the fist word in the main title, this could be to make it look more personal to the artist as these words are a title of her song. And also the big 'USA' text could be to symbolise America as a big country or the large success she has had there. It could also be a reflection of the fact that artist find it important to become big in America because of the saying 'you haven't made it until you have made it in America', and the large text for 'USA' could be a celebration of her making it. Also, her sitting on the flag could be a symbol of her taking over America, like she is the flag being planted in new land to symbolise she has taken over the land. The clothes that she is wearing reflect the fact that she is quite an outgoing person as she has short shorts on and high heels this could represent that although she is covered up on her top half that she still has an outgoing side, and a girly side with the heels. She is also wearing all black which matches the colour of the text, and goes well with the other colours used. Black is also associated with peoples 'dark side' so it could represent her 'bad side'. The fact she has her legs revealed could be away to attract the male audience, however she is also covered up so this could be her way of setting an example to young readers and a way of attracting female readers and not causing offence.

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